상속 변호사 업무

The customer’s mother is the recipient of the property, and the customer and brother share equal inheritance rights as joint heirs due to the death of their father.

He insisted that the customer’s brother not only gave it to his parents, but also paid the land purchase rate in the name of the deceased, and that all the houses he had acquired should be acquired. The customer recognized his brother’s contribution to some extent and tried to divide the acquired residential property, but could not communicate.

Eventually, my brother brought a trial to the residential or commercial real estate department he acquired claiming 100% of his payment, and the client came to the estate and responded.

1. the state of things

Legal procedures for determining the distribution of acquired assets (payment)

2. a controversial factor

– Do you happen to have any particular motivation to support a complainant who is your client’s brother or sister?

Is it correct that the individual claiming possession paid a percentage of the land from the dead?


상속 변호사의 업무와 적법절차의 진전

A legal representative, focusing on inheritance, investigated the account information of the deceased and confirmed the insurance claim that the other party paid for the land acquisition. The investigation found that the amount of land acquired did not match the amount deposited by the other party.

In addition, an analysis of the claims that the opposing party provided special support to the mother revealed that the actual cost of support was relatively small and regular with the normal expenditure.

The inheritance lawyer, which focuses on inheritance, compiled the logical search and sent it as a rebuttal to the other party’s 100% compensation claim.

The deceased, on the other hand, had both financial liabilities as well as financial liabilities due to the value of the house, so the majority of inherited financial liabilities had to be dealt with regardless of whether payments were recognized or not.

“Understanding the Effect: A Closer Look at Search and Its Value”

The court brought this situation to the court.

Despite the extended arbitration, the other party remained steadfast in demanding a 100% share. Eventually, an agreement was reached, and as a result, the other party was granted their payment, but accepted their full obligation to the inheritance obligation as well.

Thanks to the adjustment, the client was able to avoid paying the inheritance debt without paying the inherited residential property in full.